pegasus global

Providing procurement, finance, and supply chain learning solutions and applications

Who We Are

Pegasus Global is a leader in procurement, finance, and supply chain learning solutions. Our leadership team has over 75 years of experience in industry and government.

 Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our clients with world class procurement, finance, and supply chain skills and knowledge, which will enable them to optimize the financial performance of their supply chain organizations.

 Our Methodology

 For any learning program to achieve the desired business benefits requires the following.

  • The learning program must be relevant to the business challenges each client is facing.

  • The learning program must be focused on the skills and knowledge needed to address the client’s business challenges.

  • The skills and knowledge must be practical and participants must be able to apply them to their job roles.

 To meet these requirements, we use a 5-step methodology.

  1. Before each program, we confirm the objectives with client management to understand the key business challenges that the program must address.

  2. We identify the skills and knowledge needed to achieve the client’s business objectives.

  3. We survey participants and management to identify gaps in the skills and knowledge of participants.

  4. We tailor the learning program to meet the specific needs and objectives that have been identified.

  5. We assist with follow-up post program to evaluate how participants have used their new skills and knowledge.

Why Pegasus Global?

Pegasus Global has assembled some of the most respected experts in the fields of procurement, finance, and supply chain management. Our experts have the skills and experience needed to help you meet the challenges facing your organization in today's complex and competitive global marketplace.

Our team has broad experience with Fortune 100 companies, government agencies, and manufacturing and service organizations. We are focused on improving the performance of your must valuable resource — your people. As the Supply Chain Director of a Fortune 100 multi-national chemical company once said:  “The financial cost of the mistakes my people make globally in one day far exceed the cost of implementing a world class skills improvement program.”

World class results require world class skills and knowledge!

Pegasus Global is a specialized consultancy working with clients to develop and deliver learning solutions that help them optimize the financial performance of their supply chains.

Our leadership team are industry recognized supply chain and training experts with decades of real world experience in achieving results.

We provide professional learning services in five key areas.

Catalog of Procurement, Finance, and Supply Chain Courses

The following are examples of the 65  Integrated S&OP and SCM courses that can be customized to meet your needs.

S&OP and SCM in the 21st Century:

How to protect against risk, maintain sources of supply, and key relationships by understanding new rules and new challenges in S&OP and SCM and the need for a collaborative model

Collaborative Procurement:

Companies are increasingly turning to key suppliers, joint ventures, and third-party contract manufacturers to provide capacity. The essence is to integrate into our own operations these external capacities, the skills, the technology, and relationships

Procurement of Services:

The procurement function has the responsibility of investing company’s money to optimize value. Management is placing increasing demands on procurement to develop and manage an inter-enterprise approach to services procurement.

Trade-offs of Global Sourcing:

Procurement and supply management professionals operate in a highly competitive and visible global environment. Globalization has resulted in lowering the over-all costs; but the challenge is avoiding disruptions and risks of a global Supply chain.

Quality – the Suppliers’ Impact:

Over a third of the value Cost of Goods Sold is from Suppliers. Additionally, supplier quality has a multiplier effect – early defects have a dramatic impact downstream. How to recognize and resolve issues of suppliers’ quality is the key challenge.

Fact Based Supply Negotiations:

How to prepare, coordinate, and conduct negotiations with suppliers on a fact-based manner - to negotiate agreements that achieve results which support company sourcing strategies and business objectives. The lesson is the one with the most knowledge wins!

Total Cost of Ownership:

Assessing the accurate and complete cost of ownership (not just price) of commerce transactions and relationships, especially in global supply; including costs of acquisitions. operations, quality, performance, and risk.

Contract Development and Management:

While the initial development of contracts is the most critical aspect, the effective on-going management determines the longer-term value of sustainability of the relationship. Both are key to success. The objective is clear internal and external communications of performance feedback.

Supply Performance Evaluation and Measurement –internal and external:

What gets measures can be improved! Evaluating internal and external S&OP and SCM operations using the same performance standards creates and accurate profile and the paths to improvements. This effort outlines the world class best case initiatives in evaluation and measurement.

Supply Markets and Supplier Benchmarking:

A survey approach to what world-class companies have successfully implemented as Best Practices in S&OP and SCM (especially, Procurement).  Understand the underlying concepts and methodologies that link stakeholder expectations and requirements with supplier delivery and performance. Using Porter’s 5-Focrec model identify and quantify the Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Business, and Voice of the Supplier with specific actionable improvements and measurable value.

Segmentation Approach to Category Management:

Application of Kraljic’s segmentation matrix allows the targeting of purchases and suppliers in a realistic category management initiative. This session identifies how to apply those lessons learned.

Supplier Risk Management:

The world is at Risk and the supply chain is not exempt. Supply. An enterprise may have the lowest over-all costs in a stable world environment but may also have the highest level of risk -- if any one of the multiple gating factors fail in an elongated global supply chain! What are the effective trade-offs for risk prevention and mitigation?

Supply Compliance and Fraud:

In industries around the world expenditures to external suppliers and providers for materials and services ranges from a low of 30% for process industries to a high of 70% for high-tech industries. The possibility for fraud is exceptionally high. The impact of fraud on reputation, intellectual property, government acceptance, and market positioning are all compromised by fraud events. This session identifies opportunities to reduce procurement fraud by defining the types of fraud and specific strategies and tactics to eliminate or mitigate. Attached is an example of a webinar on Procurement Fraud.

Constructive Cost and Value Analyses:

Constructive Cost Analysis Models an integral part of product or service development and sourcing initiatives. This session provides the key characteristics of the major models, their underlying management concepts and strategies, and examples of innovative approaches to improving both the accuracy and acceptance of a Constructive Cost Analysis model approach. 

Supplier Selection and Relationship Management:

Effectively pre-screening and qualifying existing and potential sources of supply. The strategies and techniques we have successfully used in Strategic Sourcing are no longer effective in this new supplier relationships. In relationships where external suppliers account for over 50% of purchase cost, innovation, collaboration, and most of the attributes we would associate with a valued relationship, are not routinely measured. 

Managing Inventory across the entire supply chain:

Applying the principles of inventory segmentation, cycle counting, lot sizing, order points, service levels, safety stock and inventory costing. Understanding the Multiplier Impact of Inventory and Quality from suppliers, third party providers and other players in the total commerce cycle. Assessing the multiplier impact of inventory and quality on profitability and customer service, including balancing investment and reward.

Finance in the S&OP and SCM — Total Cost of Ownership:

Total cost in global manufacturing and operations is the identification and monitoring of all direct and indirect standard and variances -- the complete cost of ownership and its impact on financial standards for commerce transactions and relationships.

Demand Management – Balancing Investment and Fulfillment:

Understanding and implementing an enterprise-wide initiative and trade-offs to balance sales and operational planning – both on the organizational and gepgraphical levels.

Understanding Your Markets and Partners:

Using the Porter five-forces model to leverage knowledge of customers, suppliers, competitors and industries to achieve competitive advantage, sustainability, and realistic value.

Customer Intimacy and Service Profit Chain – Maintaining Demand Management:

Securing the participation and consensus of internal stakeholders and maintaining the loyalty of external customers and suppliers. Balancing the goals of customer service and total cost of ownership in the order fulfillment process.

Management of Collaborative S&OP and SCM Relationships:

Suppliers are the key to quality, cost reductions, and competitive advantage. Managing those collaborative relationships, from supplier to supplier’s suppliers, to achieve mutual cost and service objectives is the 21st century global challenge.

Quality Management – of Standards and Variances:

Poor quality is the biggest impact on variances to standards resulting in excessive cost and compromised fulfillment. Addressing quality as an internal and external approach produces measurable objectives.

Strategies to Balance Supply and Demand:

Capacity planning, shop floor controls, and order management that optimize supply and demand.  Using a variety of strategies to better balance supply and demand and to mitigate demand variations.

Best Practices in Global S&OP and SCM Management:

Applying key best practices can help link stakeholder expectations and requirements with delivery and performance.

Stakeholder Satisfaction:

Using group techniques to identify, qualify and prioritize stakeholder satisfiers — including those satisfiers as the basis of fulfillment, contracting and measurement.

 S&OP and SCM Performance Measurements — Internal and External:

Identifying and improving S&OP and SCM performance using critical success factors and KPIs, including balanced scorecards, data management, and diagnostics.

Collaborative Manufacturing & Operations:

Optimizing the outsourcing and co-sourcing relationships with key manufacturing and operational partners and sources.

Inventory Management -- Impact on Manufacturing/Operations and profits:

Using proven techniques to dampen the cycle time variations (bullwhip effect) including effective TAKT time, line balancing, cycle counting, and inventory accuracy and disbursements.

Suppliers as an extension of the internal S&OP for Manufacturing & Operational Effectiveness:

Applying key practices to optimize the supplies’ participation in site development, make versus buy, should & target cost analyses, shop floor controls, parent/child assembly, and forecast to scheduling.

Alphabet Soup of S&OP and SCM:

Achieving process improvements, for example: EBS (executable build schedule), ERP (enterprise resource planning); MPS (master production schedule), PFEP (plans for every part), MrP (materials requirement planning), (ROP) re-order point, (EEM) early equipment management, (BOM) bills of materials) , JIT (just-in-time) and others.


Pegasus has teamed with DowdellEducation to provide the following four educational services:

Optimizing Your Supply Chain Program

We deliver a program that builds skills in optimizing supply chain profitability and uses a dynamic simulation tool for experiential learning. 

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eLearning Course Development

We transform traditional content into effective eLearning courses using a variety of delivery solutions.

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Certification Testing

We design, develop and conduct certification testing and develop supporting study materials.

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Global Learning Portal

We design and build global learning portals that can manage all of the learning assets of clients.

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